Throughout this website, there are numerous links to help us begin to learn the truth about our history. Online resources include:

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation — September 30th is Orange Shirt Day (MMAMR Handout)

All My Relations: A Doorway to Understanding  Anglican Diocese of Ottawa.

CBC News – Indigenous

Dohtah’s House: Jan Longboat discusses our relationship to the sustenance of the earth, Indigenous slow foods, and her on-going cultivation of Indigenous seeds, medicines, and food.

History of the Ottawa River Watershed. Podcast by Peter Di Giangi, Algonquin Nation Secretariat. (78 minutes)

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. University of Manitoba.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission:  Calls to Action

United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

We Rise Together. The Indigenous Circle of Experts (ICE) has just released a historical report on achieving Pathway to Canada Target 1 through the creation of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas in the spirit and practice of reconciliation.

Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples:  Canadian Constitution, Section 35.

Windigo Faces: Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations Serving Canadian Colonialism. By Damien Lee

Indigenizing Canadian Environmental Identities. Workshop by Dr. Damien Lee & Kat Ryan.


We are slowly building a small co-operative library of books that people can borrow. If you wish to do so, please email us at  To date we have the following available:


Erdrich, Louise. Tracks, 1988..

King, Thomas (editor). All My Relations: An Anthology of Contemporary Canadian Native Fiction .McClelland & Stuart, 1990.

Simpson, Leanne. Islands of Decolonial Love: Stories and Songs. ARP Books, 2013.


Hill, Gord. 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance. PM Press, 2009.

Johnson, Harold R  Firewater How Alcohol Is Killing My People (And Yours). University of Regina Press, 2016.

Kinew, Wab. The Reason You Walk. Viking, 2015.

King, Thomas. The Inconvenient Indian A Curious Account of Native People in North America. Doubleday, 2012

McLeod, Neal.100 Days of Cree. University of Regina Press, 2016

Manuel, Arthur and Grand Chief Ronald M. Derrickson, Unsettling Canada: A National Wake-up Call. Between the Lines, 2015.

Talaga, Tanya. Seven Fallen Feathers Racism, Death, and Hard Truths in a Northern City.. Anansi Press, 2017.

Thumbadoo, Romola Vasantha, Learning from a Kindergarten Dropout. Book 1: William Commanda’s Cultural Sharings and Reflections.[ Available from the Turtle Lodge Trading Post ].

Wagamese, Richard,  Embers: One Ojibwa’s Meditations. Douglas & MaIntyre, 2016.

Watt-Cloutier, Sheila. The Right to Be Cold One Woman’s Story of Protecting Her Culture, The Arctic, and the Whole Planet. Penguin Book Canada, 2016.